Welcome to the website of the Master in Management at FAU WiSo!
Important information:
Are you interested in studying the Master in Management?! We will offer two information events filled with all details you will need to know about the Master in Management program.
The two dates are:
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, 17:00 (5pm CET), via Zoom (https://fau.zoom-x.de/j/65518109094?pwd=nm5zY41fbQAVunHVbGIxemkKMn250k.1)
Wednesday, March 19th 2025, 17:00 (5pm CET), via Zoom (https://fau.zoom-x.de/j/65336718352?pwd=MeX6qdKaIoyxPsBfos4wOElqFngR0x.1)
We look forward to meeting you there!
Admission tests:
The admission tests will take place on March 27th, 2025 (10 am, CET) and May 08th, 2025 (3 pm, CET). You can participate in both tests if you like and we count the better result. You can register for the admission tests here.
The special profile of the program results from the combination of management research topics with teaching. The program has an international orientation with numerous English-language courses and provides a holistic understanding of the tasks and instruments of management from a market and resource-oriented perspective. It shows how the value creation and market-oriented actions of companies are influenced by different management processes. Participants learn how to solve practical management problems using scientific methods.
Key facts:
- Degree: Master of Science
- Focus: Management
- Form: Full-time and part-time possible
- Duration: Four semesters (full-time) or eight semesters (part-time)
- Starts in: October
- Languages: Either only German, only English or a mixture of both
- Study abroad: Not mandatory, but possible
- Semester fee: Approx. 125 euro
- Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Learn more about the program below!