General overview
This degree program links management research and theory in a unique way by combining practical specializations with interdisciplinary theory relevant to different professional fields. In addition to soft skills, students acquire skills to apply the theoretical teaching in practice in case studies and projects.
The degree program (120 ECTS credits) has a standard duration of four semesters and comprises a compulsory part, a specialization part focusing on professional fields, and the Master thesis (30 ECTS credits). While the compulsory part consists of teaching foundations of management, the specialization part prepares students for specific management tasks in different types of enterprises.
During the degree program, students develop a profile of transferable skills that includes, but is not limited to:
- the ability to apply management concepts in practice
- quantitative abilities
- specialist knowledge of specific industries
- team skills
- presentation and negotiation techniques.
Career opportunities
Students of this degree program are prepared for careers in middle and upper management at companies of different sizes and in different industries. They have the opportunity to take specialization courses that focus on management tasks in a specific type of company or in a specific industry. Having acquired basic knowledge in compulsory modules and expanded upon it through specialization, graduates are also prepared to work in business consulting.
Target group
The degree program is aimed at graduates with a Bachelor degree in business studies or any other subject from a university. The required knowledge of business and economics must be demonstrated in an admission examination. More information on the admission process can be found here.
Structure of the program
The special profile of the program consists of the integration of management research topics with teaching. A holistic, cross-divisional, and cross-functional perspective is combined with in-depth studies related to the professional field and application skills (e.g. through case study and project work, development of soft skills). Further information can be found in the examination regulations and the module handbook (top right corner of this page).
Please note that the structure of the Management Master was fundamentally changed for all new students starting in or after the winter term 2023 /24. Information on the structure of the Management Master for students that started before the winter term 2023 / 24 can be found at the end of this page.
For students starting in or after winter term 2023/24
Course of studies
The program (120 ECTS) covers a standard period of study of four semesters and consists of 7 core courses (35 ECTS), 11 electives (55 ECTS) and the Master thesis (30 ECTS). While the core courses ensure the teaching of the holistic perspective of management, the electives enable students to specialize in one or more application areas of management. The chosen specialization serves the students to sharpen their profile with regard to a desired future professional field. In the electives, students can choose courses from the following content areas: “Strategic management & International business”, “Value creation & Digital transformation”, “Entrepreneurship & Innovation”, “Financial management”, “Health care management”, “Marketing management”, “Supply chain management”, “Sustainable & responsible management”, and “Management research”.
Core courses (35 ECTS)
Selection of one of the following modules:
Selection of two of the following modules:
- Industry 5.0 – Germany’s Future of Sustainable Industrial Value Creation with Prof. Oliver Zipse and Dr. Thomas Becker
- Challenges in business management
- Current topics in Tax Technology
- Fallstudienseminar (ProSeminar)
- Branchen- und themenspezifisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
- Methods of scientific research for healthcare management
- Strategien technologieorientierter Industrieunternehmen mit Dr. Roland Busch
- Start-up Consulting
- Strategische Herausforderungen im Profifußball – Projektseminar mit dem 1. FC Nürnberg e.V.
- Digital Innovation & Business Planning
- Digital transformation project
- Service innovation
- Leadership and leadership communication
- Advanced soft skills
- Businessplanseminar
- International management solutions
- Innovation and Leadership
- Case study seminar: Financial and sustainability reporting
Electives (55 ECTS)
A total of eleven modules must be selected from the following module groups. If at least four modules (20 ECTS) from one module group are taken, the specialization will be shown as a focus in the degree certificate. Students who prefer a generalistic study and do not want to specialize have the possibility to choose the complete 55 ECTS of the electives freely. Please note that the modules shown below may be subject to change.
- Change management
- Corporate investment controlling
- Foundations of international management I
- Foundations of international management II
- Internationales Projektseminar
- Judgement in decision making and evidence-based management
- Konzernrechnungslegung
- Product innovation management in emerging markets
- Managing intercultural relations
- Regeneration and sustainable development
- Strategische Vorausschau in Theorie und Praxis
- Strategy & AI
- Sustainability management and corporate functions
- Platform strategies
- Advanced Business Analytics Seminar
- AI & Data in Business and Management with Dr. Lydia Mammen
- Business Intelligence
- Das Industrieseminar
- Designing Information Systems for Behavior Change: Practical Applications
- Digital change management
- Digitalisierung der Wertschöpfungskette in der Industrie mit Klaus Helmrich
- Management von Industrie 4.0
- Organizing for digital transformation
- Regeneration and sustainable development
- Strategy & AI
- Digitale Industrie – Industrielle Plattformen und KI, Industrial Metaverse und Industrie 5.0
- Platform strategies
- Kommunikation in der digitalen Arbeitswelt
- Digital and Sustainable Industrial Ecosystems
- Das Innovationsseminar
- Design thinking und Produktdesign
- Economics of innovation
- Labor markets in the knowledge economy
- Patenting for innovation
- Praxisseminar mit Prof. Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer
- Product innovation management in emerging markets
- Profiting from ideas and inventions – an introduction to intellectual property rights
- Rechtliche Grundlagen der Start-up-Unternehmen
- Technology-based Service Innovation
- WISO meets consulting
- Digital and Sustainable Industrial Ecosystems
- Asset liability management (Versicherungen)
- Corporate investment controlling
- Financial engineering and structured finance
- Finanz- und Bankmanagement
- Hauptseminar Finance
- Hauptseminar Risk and insurance
- International finance
- Konzernrechnungslegung
- Lebensversicherung
- Planspiel: Unternehmen wert- und risikoorientiert steuern
- Praxisseminar: Innovative Versicherungsprodukte
- Quantitative risk assessment with Excel
- Recht der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft
- Versicherungs- und Risikotheorie
- Workshop capital markets research
- Workshop finance
- Workshop sustainability reporting research
- Advanced Topics in Sustainability Reporting
- Ambulantes Management I
- Ambulantes Management II
- Angewandte empirische Gesundheitsökonomie
- Gesundheitsökonomie I: Die Ökonomie der Krankenversicherung
- Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen I
- Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen II
- Kostenträger I: Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung
- Kostenträger II: Private Krankenversicherung
- Krankenhausmanagement I
- Management in Gesundheitseinrichtungen
- Medizin
- Pharmamanagement I: Pharmazeutische Industrie
- Pharmamanagement II: Arzneimittel
- Praxisseminar: Aktuelle Themen des Gesundheitsmanagements
- Seminar Pflegemanagement
- The supply of medical services
- Versorgungsmanagement I
- Advanced marketing management I: Service Marketing
- Advanced marketing management II: Advanced topics in marketing: Consumer behavior
- Advanced marketing management IV: Strategisches Marketing
- Advanced marketing management V: Business-to-business marketing
- Advanced marketing management VII: Kundenmanagement
- Consumer relationship marketing
- Digital marketing
- Interdiziplinäres Seminar
- Praxisseminar
- Praxisseminar: Innovative Versicherungsprodukte
- Advanced marketing analytics
- Digital behavioral data
- Strategic communication
- Global logistics and supply chain management
- Global retail logistics
- Internationale Transportlogistik- und Distributionssysteme
- Logistik Consulting
- Management von Logistik- und SCM-Projekten
- Strategic supply management
- Strategische Vorausschau in Theorie und Praxis
- Supply chain management research seminar
- International Logistics and Distribution Systems
- Bedürfnisse von Arbeitnehmer*innen – das Beispiel Diversity
- Branchen- und themenspezifisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
- Climate Policy
- Economics of Climate Change (ECC)
- Einführung in das Genossenschaftswesen
- Empirical Environmental Economics
- Energy policy instruments for deep decarbonisation
- Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation
- Regeneration and sustainable development
- Seminar zum Genossenschaftswesen
- Sustainability management and corporate functions
- Creativity Approaches for Sustainability
- Workshop sustainability reporting research
- Advanced Topics in Sustainability Reporting
- Project course: Building sustainable industry in Europe
- Energy transition analysis: Bridging techno-economic, business, and policy perspectives
- International technology management research seminar
- Seminar zur Managementforschung: Neue Entwicklungen im Controlling und Rechnungswesen
- Seminar zur Mangementforschung
- Advanced methods of management research IV
- Advanced theory and methods in strategy
- Masterseminar
- Forschungsseminar
- Principles of Marketing IV
- Principles of Marketing V
- Principles of Marketing VI
- Mikroeconometrics and machine learning
- Ökonometrie
- Panel and evaluation methods
- Publishing in management journals
- Research projects in strategic management
- Forschungsseminar Digital Industries
- Masterseminar zum Gesundheitsmanagement und der Gesundheitsökonomie
Master thesis (30 ECTS)
The basic regulations for the master thesis are regulated in the examination regulations in §29.
- The processing time for the master thesis is six months.
- In principle, the master thesis is to be written in German or English.
- The master thesis can be repeated once if it has been graded worse than 4.0.
If the master thesis is to be written at a chair which is not part of the Institute of Management, the student must submit an application for approval to the study program coordinator. The application must demonstrate the management relevance of the planned master thesis.
The application for approval of a master thesis outside of the institute of management can be found here:
In preparation and as a prerequisite for the master thesis, certain modules may need to be completed in advance, depending on the respective chair. More information can be found on the website of the respective chair.
For students who started before winter term 2023/24
Course of studies
The program (120 ECTS) covers a standard period of four semesters and consists of a compulsory area (45 ECTS), an elective area (45 ECTS) and the master thesis (30 ECTS). While the compulsory area ensures the teaching of the holistic perspective of management, the elective area enables students to specialize in one or more application areas of management. The chosen specialization serves the students to sharpen their profile with regard to a desired future professional field. Students can choose courses from the following content areas: “Strategic management & International business”, “Value creation & Digital transformation”, “Entrepreneurship & Innovation”, “Financial management”, “Health care management”, “Marketing management”, “Supply chain management”, “Sustainable & responsible management”, and “Management research”.
Compulsory courses I (25 ECTS)
All of the following five modules need to be completed:
Compulsory courses II (20 ECTS)
Selection of one of the following modules:
Selection of one of the following modules:
- Industry 5.0 – Germany’s Future of Sustainable Industrial Value Creation with Prof. Oliver Zipse and Dr. Thomas Becker
- Current Topics in Tax Technology
- Challenges in business management
- Fallstudienseminar (ProSeminar)
- Branchen- und themenspezifisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
- Methods of scientific research for healthcare management
- Strategien technologieorientierter Industrieunternehmen mit Dr. Roland Busch
- Start-up Consulting
- Strategische Herausforderungen im Profifußball – Projektseminar mit dem 1. FC Nürnberg e.V.
- Digital Innovation & Business Planning
Selection of one of the following modules:
- International technology management research seminar
- Seminar zur Managementforschung: Neue Entwicklungen im Controlling und Rechnungswesen
- Seminar zur Managementforschung
- Advanced methods of management research IV
- Advanced theory and methods in strategy
- Masterseminar
- Forschungsseminar
- Principles of Marketing IV
- Principles of Marketing V
- Principles of Marketing VI
Electives (45 ECTS)
A total of nine modules must be selected from the following module groups. If at least four modules (20 ECTS) from one module group are taken, the specialization undertaken will be shown as a focus in the degree certificate. Students who prefer a generalistic study program and do not want to specialize have the possibility to choose the complete 45 ECTS of the specialization area freely. Please note that the modules shown below may be subject to change.
This specialization area focuses on methods and tools of strategic management and is dedicated to the challenges that companies are confronted with in times of globalization. Modules such as “Corporate strategy”, “Change Management”, or “Foundations of international management” prepare students specifically for their future strategic activities in a global context.
- Business ethics and corporate social responsibility
- Change management
- Controlling of business systems
- Corporate investment controlling
- Corporate strategy
- Foundations of international management I
- Foundations of international management II
- Global operations strategy
- Internationales Projektseminar
- Judgement in decision making and evidence-based management
- Konzernrechnungslegung
- Managing intercultural relations
- Product innovation management in emerging markets
- Regeneration and sustainable development
- Strategische Vorausschau in Theorie und Praxis
- Sustainability management and corporate functions
- Strategy & AI
In this specialization area, students deal with various future technologies and value creation processes in the context of digital transformation.
- Advanced Business Analytics Seminar
- AI & Data in Business and Management with Dr. Lydia Mammen
- Business Intelligence
- Das Industrieseminar
- Designing Information Systems for Behavior Change: Practical Applications
- Digital change management
- Digitalisierung der Wertschöpfungskette in der Industrie mit Klaus Helmrich
- Digital transformation project
- Digitale Industrie – Industrielle Plattformen und KI, Industrial Metaverse und Industrie 5.0
- Industrielles Management
- Management von Industrie 4.0
- Organizing for digital transformation
- Regeneration and sustainable development
- Technology-based service innovation
- Quantitative Methods in Energy Market Modelling
- Strategy & AI
Whether students want to start their own business or later provide inspiration for established companies, through modules such as “Innovation and leadership”, “Service innovation” or “Finanzierungsmanagement von Start-up Unternehmen”, this specialization brings together topics related to innovation and business creation.
- Das Innovationsseminar
- Design thinking und Produktdesign
- Economics of innovation
- Innovation and Leadership
- Patenting for innovation
- Praxisseminar mit Prof. Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer
- Product innovation management in emerging markets
- Profiting from ideas and inventions – an introduction to intellectual property rights
- Rechtliche Grundlagen der Start-up-Unternehmen
- Service innovation
- Strategic problem solving in the digital age
- Technology-based Service Innovation
- WISO meets consulting
Those who know the finances of a company have a clear advantage. The “Financial management” specialization offers students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the area of internal and external accounting with the help of modules such as “Corporate investment controlling”, “Controlling of business systems” or “Konzernrechnungslegung” and to reinforce future decisions with the help of corresponding key figures.
- Asset liability management (Versicherungen)
- Controlling of business systems
- Corporate investment controlling
- Financial engineering and structured finance
- Finanz- und Bankmanagement
- Finanzierungsmanagement von Start-up Unternehmen
- Hauptseminar Finance
- Hauptseminar Risk and insurance
- Konzernrechnungslegung
- Lebensversicherung
- Planspiel: Unternehmen wert- und risikoorientiert steuern
- Praxisseminar: Innovative Versicherungsprodukte
- Quantitative risk assessment with Excel
- Recht der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft
- Versicherungs- und Risikotheorie
- Workshop capital markets research
- Workshop finance
- Workshop sustainability reporting research
- Weiterführende Themen in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung
An aging society means that health care facilities and their successful management are becoming increasingly important. The focus on “Health care management” therefore provides the necessary knowledge to successfully start a career in the health care sector, for example with pharmaceutical companies, health insurance companies or outpatient as well as inpatient service providers.
- Ambulantes Management I
- Ambulantes Management II
- Angewandte empirische Gesundheitsökonomie
- Gesundheitsökonomie I: Die Ökonomie der Krankenversicherung
- Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen II
- Kostenträger I: Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung
- Kostenträger II: Private Krankenversicherung
- Krankenhausmanagement I
- Management in Gesundheitseinrichtungen
- Medizin
- Pharmamanagement I: Pharmazeutische Industrie
- Pharmamanagement II: Arzneimittel
- Planspiel: Krankenhausmanagement
- Praxisseminar: Aktuelle Themen des Gesundheitsmanagements
- Seminar Pflegemanagement
- The supply of medical services
- Versorgungsmanagement I
To be successful, companies need to know who their customers are and how they act. The “Marketing management” specialization offers a wide range of modules that shed light on the various marketing activities. From market research to strategic marketing and customer management, all areas are covered.
- Advanced marketing management I: Service Marketing
- Advanced marketing management II: Advanced topics in marketing: Consumer behavior
- Advanced marketing management IV: Strategisches Marketing
- Advanced marketing management V: Business-to-business marketing
- Advanced marketing management VII: Kundenmanagement
- Consumer relationship marketing
- Digital marketing
- Interdiziplinäres Seminar
- Personal selling
- Praxisseminar
- Praxisseminar: Innovative Versicherungsprodukte
Modules on various aspects of logistics and supply chain management (looking at both the business-to-business and end-customer sectors) provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to work in supply chain management or logistics consulting.
- Global logistics and supply chain management
- Global retail logistics
- Internationale Transportlogistik- und Distributionssysteme
- Logistik Consulting
- Management von Logistik- und SCM-Projekten
- Strategic supply management
- Strategische Vorausschau in Theorie und Praxis
- Supply chain management research seminar
- Bedürfnisse von Arbeitnehmer*innen – das Beispiel Diversity
- Branchen- und themenspezifisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
- Business ethics and corporate social responsibility
- Economics of Climate Change (ECC)
- Einführung in das Genossenschaftswesen
- Empirical Environmental Economics
- Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation
- Regeneration and sustainable development
- Seminar zum Genossenschaftswesen
- Sustainability management and corporate functions
- Climate Policy
- Energy Policy Instruments for Deep Decarbonisation
- Creativity Approaches for Sustainability
- Workshop sustainability reporting research
- Weiterführende Themen in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung
- International technology management research seminar
- Seminar zur Managementforschung: Neue Entwicklungen im Controlling und Rechnungswesen
- Seminar zur Mangementforschung
- Advanced methods of management research IV
- Advanced theory and methods in strategy
- Masterseminar
- Forschungsseminar
- Principles of Marketing IV
- Principles of Marketing V
- Principles of Marketing VI
- Mikroeconometrics and machine learning
- Ökonometrie
- Panel and evaluation methods
- Publishing in management journals
- Research projects in strategic management
Master thesis (30 ECTS)
The basic regulations for the master thesis are regulated in the examination regulations in §29.
- The processing time for the master thesis is six months.
- In principle, the master thesis is to be written in German or English.
- The master thesis can be repeated once if it has been graded worse than 4.0.
If the master thesis is to be written at a chair which is not part of the Institute of Management, the student must submit an application for approval to the study program coordinator. The application must demonstrate the management relevance of the planned master thesis.
The application for approval of a master thesis outside of the institute of management can be found here:
In preparation and as a prerequisite for the master thesis, certain modules may need to be completed in advance, depending on the respective chair. More information can be found on the website of the respective chair.